To start, an animated GIF is an image encoded in graphics interchange format (GIF), which contains a number of images (or frames) in a single file, and is described by its own graphic control extension. Basically, it’s a collection of images that loop in order to convey animation. By illustrating and scanning a series of images, GIFs can easily be created in the Rocketbook app.
Destination Setup
Currently, the GIF file format is available for Email, Google Drive, Trello, and iMessage destinations. To utilize the GIF option, first go to the destination settings for any one of the above destinations, then do the following:
- Turn "Bundle Scans" OFF for the destination you'll be sending to
- Set your file type to GIF
Creating and Sending your GIFs
First, you'll need to illustrate and scan each frame of your GIF in sequential order. This can either be accomplished by drawing out each frame on a new page, or by drawing a frame, scanning it, making any necessary edits, scanning again, and repeating the process until all frames have been completed and scanned.
Once you're done illustrating and scanning, send your scan to the destination you've previously set to send GIF files. You'll receive a looping animation of what you've drawn:
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